
                     Needless to say I am lacking you,
                     Needless to say I am blue,
                     Clouds and asters are violet,
                     Tears of the ocean are blue.

                     Tears of the ocean were mine before
                     The minute you left my sight,
                     I wanted to tell you a word or more
                     But I cherished the silence of night.

                     None of the words could answer my heart
                     None of the words would stay
                     In the air of ice that set us apart -
                     The air of smoking gray.

I loved you and I would love you
For one thousand winters one thousand years…
Why did you need to depart?
And I don't blame you that you left me here
But I am left with unspoken heart.
Silence of night is a lover's delight
But I am left with unspoken heart.

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