Sergey Ryazanov
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Jul 2002 - now

Transas, Software Engineer in team of 12 persons (Windows, MS VC++, STL, MFC), VTS department.

Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) department is responsible for the development of the software product 'Navi-Harbour'. It is the part of the complex solution for vessel traffic monitoring. Its main function are:

  • a visualization of sensor and cartographical data,
  • dangerous situations prediction,
  • providing dispatchers with information about vessel motions,
  • recording and playing back any activity.

Current version is being developed on MS Visual C++ 2003 for Windows 2000.

My achievements:

  • Designing and implementing the reusable component for displaying frequently changing tabular data. It has improved code reusing.
  • The search functionality (including the reusable component for searching in a low-priority thread).
  • The GUI component for editing settings in a tree control (in contrast to a standard control, mine supports different kinds of a edit control, including combo boxes, edit boxes with a spin control, etc; also my control requires a very short usage code for common cases and is easy extensible).
  • Optimizing vessels history drawing. I found way to don't recalculate a big part of data on each redrawing. It reduced total CPU load from 70% down to 30% in the worst case.
  • Optimizing of drawing bitmaps on a chart. Simple optimization (drawing a group of bitmaps as a single operation) speeded drawing up to 3 times and reduced total CPU load by 5% in the worst case.

Feb 2001 - Jan 2002

Interso, web-programmer. Mod_perl, Flash 5 programming.


  • An aid to the famous (at that time in Russia) company to solve a problem with performance. Using of a SQL-based storage was a bottleneck in their Banner Rotating System. My solution was based on using a balanced tree in memory.
  • Implementing Content Management System. It essentially increased speed of our development. As I know, this system was redeveloped, but some basic ideas are still being used.
  • Implementing a Macromedia Flash-based online shop. Our company had had no experience in complex Flash-based projects before (in russian).