Sergey Ryazanov
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Rock climbing

When I was a student I took up kayaking and skydiving. I can't afford to take up it now because it takes too mush money and, especially, time. Last winter I tried snowboarding (I need some outdoor activity), but it is just for enjoying.

My favorite sport is rock climbing. My doughter was born when I was participating in rock climbing comptition (4 Jul 2004).

Usually I go at climbing sites around Saint-Petersburg in summer and at gym in winter. I used to visit Crimea for climbing regularly and I would like to visit another sites.

My best achievements in rock climbing are

  • the route of 7b difficulty in Crimea and
  • 2d place in group b / 13th place in group a in the Saint-Petersburb bouldering championship, 2004.
  • Programming

    I've been keen on programming since the age of 15. I started from Basic on 'Misrosha' (32 kb RAM, 8 bit processor, and output on TV). Then I learned the assembler of Z80 processor and some basics of C.

    When I started studying in university, I took up 3D graphics. I didn't like a waste of time on computer games, but I spent hours with Quake trying to understand how they made so fast clipping and texture mapping (it was before DirectX and OpenGL). Then I implemented a function for drawing a general (not only convex) textured polygon (it was 80kb .asm-file), but it was too slow: it was able to draw less than 1000 polygons per second on 90MHz processor (because I used Z-buffering instead of 'edge sorting' in Quake).

    And, of course, I'd been solving a lot of problems to prepare to ACM contests because I wanted to achieve success.

    Now I more interested in C++ and general programming stuffs.

    Video Editing

    My wife and I somtimes make short movies (it available on CD in DVD-video format).